Interview101 is happy to bring in a new course module Game building  to train the students with skills and creativity. Our instructors are highly experienced professionals who have worked in multiple domains.Our students who are creative and aspire to make a career out of it have many doors open to themselves after completions of his course. Game building is a course that brings your imaginations to life. At Interview101 you can learn to explore and express your ideas and make an effective use of them.

The students can pursue career in the following domains on successful completion of this course:



Become a pro at adobe photoshop. Learn to edit and design pictures, add special graphics effect to the pictures. Get a hands on training from our experts on how adobe photoshop is used in the industry.

2d & 3d

Our course gives the students the power to create their imagination. We teach them how to make animated cartoon characters, backgrounds, camera control, texturing and sounds effects. We use 2D adobe animate CC and 3D blender softwares.

Game Building

We teach our students to design games on one of the most famous UNITY software. Make all your creative thinking come alive. You explore, design, learn and implement all while you are having fun!

Our Modules

Kinder (Ages 4-6)

Junior (Ages 7-9)

Pre-Teen (Ages 10-13)

Teen (Ages 14-17)


Course Duration


Most frequent questions and answers

Game building is a course that uses the energy and creativity of your child in the right direction. If your child is fond of video games and is investing alot of his time playing it then why not utilise that time in creating one. Learning this technology will make the right use of that talent which can be turned into a profession.

What your child learns at Interview101 is an enhancement to his knowledge and it only increases his interests towards science of life. Instead of playing video games or using mobile or tablets your child explores new domains.

Interview101 is focused towards providing quality education to the students. Our instructors are well educated professionals who also have in depth knowledge about the industry standards.

Enroll you child today!

Game Building

$ 2720 For 1 YEAR

game building + stem & robotics + Math Master

$ 2400 FOR 1 YEAR
  • 60 Hours Creative Technology
  • 60 Hours STEM & Robotics
  • 14 Hours Math Master


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